New Sports Centre, Cothill House, Abingdon
The scope at Cothill House School comprises of the design and construction of a new, state of the art, sports centre, providing both fully equipped large and small sports halls, complemented with high quality climbing apparatus and large squash courts and dance studios, with changing areas to facilitate users of the new hall.
Image Credit : A’Bear & Ball Architects | RIBA Chartered Architects

Creative Arts Centre, Charterhouse School

St Andrews Church, Bradfield College
We are currently on site at St Andrew’s Church, Bradfield College. The project comprises of the refurbishment of to the grade II* listed building, which is situated in the local churchyard adjacent to Bradfield College.
The refurbishment includes the construction of new mezzanine floors within the seating aisle areas and large internal glazed screens to subdivide the church, these works will form a contemporary, multi-functional study centre including the library, break out zones and a refreshment area.
The newly constructed, high-quality, modern link will be connected to a nearby College building and will provide direct access into the church from the College campus.
The project will also deliver associated external works, drainage and services installations.
The construction is due for completion in the October 2023, following which the College will complete the fit-out before opening the new facility.
Image Credit: St. Andrews Church – squiresandbrown
Squires and Brown Architects

St Pauls Girls School Masterplan, West London
The project will be delivered in phases. Firstly, the existing Rosalind Franklin Building will be demolished and re-built as the Centre for Design & Innovation. This new building will link with the Mercers’ Building which will be renovated also as part of the Centre for Design & Innovation. A covered link to the school’s Grade II listed Main Building will also be constructed. The redevelopment will provide a dedicated space for new and emerging technologies, offering students an immersive studio and fabrication and maker-space facilities.
The next phase will see development on the Eastern side of the school’s listed Main Building, with the erection of a three-storey new central Staff Hub, which replaces the existing Forum Building. The project will provide modern open plan staff work areas and administrative offices, freeing up space in the Main Building to re-develop the Eastern wing of the Main Building. A covered link will also be constructed between the new building and the existing Main Building.
Internal alterations will be made to the kitchens to aid the delivery processes.
Glulam and CLT form the majority of the superstructures.

Healthcare Hub, University Of Roehampton
The project at the University of Roehampton comprises of adaptions to the existing accommodation to create high quality, fully equipped nursing and therapies teaching accommodation, as part of Roehampton’s wider objectives to build on its reputation as a leading centre of healthcare education and research in London.
Reconfiguration and remodelling works are to be delivered to the internal areas to provide spacious, flexible teaching areas. This will provide a multi-purpose, multi-use, co-curricular area for an effective working environment.
The installation of professional and specialist nursing and physiotherapy equipment will also be included within the scheme, together with the refurbishment of the existing lift.

Extension and Alteration Work, Abingdon Preparatory School, Abingdon
The project comprised of the delivery of an extension and alteration works to provide a new music school, science lab and four additional classrooms.
We were very pleased to be working alongside Abingdon Preparatory School again on this project.
Image Credit: West Waddy Archadia

New Science Block, Lord Wandsworth College, Hook
The project at Lord Wandsworth College in Hook, was for the delivery of a new, two storey Science Block. The scheme was completed with all associated external works.
We delivered the project whilst the buildings adjacent to to site remained operational.

New Boarding Houses, Charterhouse School, Godalming
This scheme at Charterhouse School was for the delivery of two high quality Boarding Houses to accommodate 128 students, for their growing School community.
The Boarding Houses provide a combination of single, twins and quad room accompanied by en-suite and shared bathroom facilities.
Accommodation for the House Master, Matron and Tutors was delivered, as well as ancillary areas, including communal common rooms, fully equipped laundry areas, a matron surgery, plus kit and boot rooms, providing the highest standard of care for the pupils and staff.
Each Boarding Houses provides 1,973M2 of living space.
All services and external works were included.

Cone Ripman House, Arts Education School, Chiswick
New Arts Education and Classroom Building
The scope at ArtsEd London provides the students with an additional 2500m2 of new, high quality learning, performance and rehearsal areas. This scheme enables the School to build and grow their musical, drama and teaching facilities.
The project was delivered over 3 phases.
Phase 1 comprised of demolition of existing Studio Theatre and new purpose built classroom block to the rear of the site.
Phase 2 included the demolition of the detached Library building & toilet block to the east end of the site, as well as a new build studio theatre and re build of the East end zone.
Phase 3 involved the removal of existing pitched roof to the main building and the creation of a single storey extension.