Vernon’s 100KM Challenge

On 18/19th May, Vernon took on the Jurassic Coast Ultra Challenge.

Walking 100KM with ~2300M of elevation through the World Heritage Southern Coastline, Vernon completed the event in 27 hours, and in the process raised over £2000 for his chosen charity MND (Motor Neurone Disease). Its not one for the faint hearted, 33% of participants didn’t complete it!

Since then, following the sad news of Rob Burrow’s recent death after his battle with MND, Vernon has decided that once was not enough and has signed up to the Cotswolds Way in two weeks time! Another 100KM with a mere ~2250M ascent in this rendition of the ultra challenge!

Lets support Vernon with his goal for raising another £1000 for MND.


Congratulations on completing the first 100KM and the best of luck for the second!

Vernon completes Jurassic Coast 100KM

“In a world full of adversity we must still dare to dream.” Rob Burrow CBE

Victorious FCL Youth Football Club

Congratulations to our sponsored youth football team the Wroughton Witches’ witches who won their first game last Saturday 8-0.

They thank Feltham Construction Limited for our continued support and aid ⚽️

#communitysupport #sponsorship #sportsfordevelopment #communitymatters

A Helping Hand

Assisting Rose Hill Youth FC in their time of need.
Feltham Construction Limited are happy to help 🏗

Kevin Juggins from the Rose Hill Youth FC: Well what can I say! With recent weather conditions preventing our brand new container delivery to its long term home pitchside, along comes an angel in disguise! A huge thanks to James and Pascal from Feltham Construction Limited who are working on a local development, for helping in our time of need! Genuine local community outreach at its very best! Treats on us will be coming to site very soon!!!! From all the children at Rose Hill Youth FC Thank you!!

International Women’s Day 2023

International Women’s Day 2023

Accelerating Equality and Empowerment.

International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political accomplishments and successes of women. Today also addresses action for accelerating gender equivalence.

Women working within the construction industry has increased dramatically over the past year, the percentage of women has reached 14%, which has risen from last year and 2021, which was at 10%.

Misconceptions about ‘gender-specific’ roles are decreasing with an accelerating number of women choosing a career in the construction industry and practical roles within the trade.

Feltham Construction is proud to be supporting International Women’s Day 2023





# AcceleratingEqualityandEmpowerment.

Christmas Jumper Day 2022: The Jumpers

Christmas Jumper Day at Feltham Construction Limited
A fantastic and festive selection of jumpers
A very impressive effort by everyone involved 👍

Raising money for CALICO, a cause which is personal to the company.

Merry Christmas !!


Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

This Thursday, communities throughout the UK will join together to honour & celebrate the historic milestone, for 70 years of her majesty’s service.

Feltham Construction will be closed from the 2nd June and will re-open again on the 6th June.

#queensjubilee #bankholiday #unitedkingdom #PlatinumJubilee

Stress Awareness Month

In support of Stress Awareness Month in the U.K we are putting a link below, which provides resources and detailed information about managing stress.
As well as offering coping mechanisms to deal with personal stress, the society has identified a number of ways to alleviate stress in the workplace.
It is not just about coping with stress, it is also about recognising it and learning how to approach the situation.
In light of the recent events with the challenges and strain of the pandemic the society has chosen ‘Community’ as the theme this year.
Image Credit:

National Career Development Month 2021

National Career Development Month

Start your career with Feltham Construction today, we have the following vacancies:

  • Estimator
  • Project Manager

Please send your email and CV to

November is national career development month. The campaign encourages as well as commemorates career development The National Career Development Association (NCDA) provides professional development, publications and advise to assist young professionals and individuals reach their employment goal and aspirations.

The NCDA offers advice and guidance on interview practice, CV assistance and applications.

Visit the website for further help