Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

This Thursday, communities throughout the UK will join together to honour & celebrate the historic milestone, for 70 years of her majesty’s service.

Feltham Construction will be closed from the 2nd June and will re-open again on the 6th June.

#queensjubilee #bankholiday #unitedkingdom #PlatinumJubilee

Project Awarded: 50 Bed Care Home, Stratton-on-Fosse

We are pleased to announce that we have been awarded the project at Stratton-on-Fosse, for a new care home.

The project comprises of the design and construction of a 50-bed care home with all associated enabling, externals and drainage works.

We are delighted to be working with the Care Concern group on this scheme.

Due for completion May 2023.

Stress Awareness Month

In support of Stress Awareness Month in the U.K we are putting a link below, which provides resources and detailed information about managing stress.
As well as offering coping mechanisms to deal with personal stress, the society has identified a number of ways to alleviate stress in the workplace.
It is not just about coping with stress, it is also about recognising it and learning how to approach the situation.
In light of the recent events with the challenges and strain of the pandemic the society has chosen ‘Community’ as the theme this year.
Image Credit:  https://www.google.com/search?q=stress+awareness+month+2022&rlz=1C1VDKB_en-GBGB975GB975&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjKhO7ejYL3AhWITcAKHa6rCHUQ_AUoAnoECAEQBA&biw=1517&bih=730&dpr=0.9#imgrc=1U9odC_6rZY-VM

Project Progress Update: Healthcare Hub, University of Roehampton

Healthcare Hub, University of Roehampton


We are currently on site at the University of Roehampton for the delivery of a Healthcare Hub.

The project is progressing well, we achieved the site set up, disconnections, temporary services and diversions before the Christmas shut down period.

The perimeter scaffold for the re-roofing works has now been installed and the re-roofing works commenced on time, in line with the programme and is progressing at a good pace.

The new steel beam to support the Acoustic Folding Wall was designed, manufactured and installed to the ground floor flexible teaching space area.

The project is due for completion April 2022