Following the suspension of our site operations on 3rd April 2020 as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have been monitoring the situation as it has developed.
The Construction Leadership Council “Standard Operating Procedures” (currently version 3) provides recommendations for ensuring the workforce is protected and minimising the risk of spread of infection.
Our Company believes that if we all work together, we can provide an environment where we can continue with construction work in line with these recommendations and have therefore decided that site operations will recommence on 4th May 2020.
In terms of general site matters, we will be implementing additional measures which will include:
- Localised hand sanitising stations will be provided as a minimum at the site entrance and welfare facilities. Further on-site stations will be determined on a site by site basis.
- Daily briefings to be given to the trade foremen by the site manager. At these briefings the trade site foremen are to provide details of their personnel on site to remove the need for signing in.
- Specific Covid-19 toolbox talk to be given to all operatives upon their return to work.
- All briefings / toolbox talks / inductions will be given in an external environment.
- Welfare and communal facilities will be cleaned regularly. Shared use Refrigerators, Kettles and Microwaves will be maintained and will be subject to regular sanitising.
- The site manager will agree with each trade on site specific break times to manage the numbers within the canteen.
- We ask that once on site, operatives remain on site for the full day and not leave site to buy food from the local community.
All supply chain companies working on our sites are asked to consider your own operational scope of work and issue specific RAMS covering your own Covid-19 site operating procedures a minimum of 5 working days prior to commencing on our sites.
If you wish to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to contact us
01635 277 100 or
David Yates
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