Clapcot Way, Wallingford
SOHA Housing is an award winning, community-based housing association working in and around Oxfordshire. They provide homes for affordable rent and shared ownership for people who prefer to rent or are unable to afford rent or buy in the private sector.
Feltham have been working in partnership with SOHA Housing for over 15 years and completed over 20 projects with them building over 150 dwellings to date.
Clapcot Way is located in Wallingford and the project consisted of the the demolition of the existing 3 former youth club buildings and the design and construction of 10 new traditional build houses, comprising of 6 x 2-bed houses, 4 x 3- bed houses, all for social rent. Works also included the construction of a new access road, landscaping and connection to all mains services from Clapcot Way.
Clapcot Way is a narrow, built up neighborhood with resident’s vehicles parked on the road. Space on site was very limited. This provided logistical challenges for the S278 Road Improvement works that required careful planning and management on site. Plant and equipment movement was planned in advance and managed through banksmen which enabled the works to be completed succesfully.